Sunday, April 3, 2011

Back to Issues of Land and Food

Here is a news segment on Real News describing the resistance in Honduras.  The peasant's land has been taken to grow Palm oil plantations.  Aside from the affects of large agricultural fields of mono-cultures on the environment, these small farmers were providing food for themselves and others on farms far less destructive to the environment.  When they are removed from their land, where do they go for food?  To cities looking for jobs?  Personally, I am trying not to buy any food containing palm oil.  There is absolutely NO REASON to even produce or use this stuff!  Except to make more profit for very rich people who care little about sustainability, the planet, the people.  People who have no desire to share with anyone.  People who will kill those who get in their way.

Survival of the Fittest?  Are these the people you want to pass their genetic characteristics on to more of their kind?  Or do you admire the Campesinos who know how to care for their community, know how to grow and share healthy food, dream of a better country and will fight for their fellow country men.  Who is the "fittest" human being?

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