Monday, April 11, 2011

My Favorite Writer for the End of an Empire

My favorite writer/essayist, Joe Bageant, died a couple of weeks ago.  I still weep when I think of how I waited with delicious anticipation for each new post on his blog.  Reading each new essay was like a taking long cool drink of water in the middle of an Oklahoma August, only funnier.  I have a link to his website in my list of important links.  Friends are keeping the site going, with it's huge accumulation of essays,  for the time being.  And it is possible that his writings might be published in a collection.  But for now, check them out while you can.  Here is a link that will enable you to download many of the best to your computer or electronic reader.  Some one has given them jazzy covers which are kind of funny but really, read them and enjoy!  http://coldtype.net/joe.html 

And consider getting his books.  I loved, "Deer Hunting With Jesus," and plan to purchase his last book, "Rainbow Pie," kind of a memoir, which was published right before he died.  Here is a link to an essay written about Joe by Marc Campbell which gives a good description of the man.

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